What can I do to deal with family members who are not supportive of my efforts?

The article discusses how to deal with unsupportive relatives when embarking on weight loss. It can be difficult to lose weight when the people closest to you are not supportive of your goals. This article will provide you with effective solutions to this issue, supported by research and data. By the end of this article, we hope you will have an effective guide for navigating these obstacles and reaching your health goals.

How to deal with family members who are not supportive of your weight loss efforts

It is important to deal with family members who are not supportive during the weight loss process. A study in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine found that social support is crucial to weight loss success and maintaining it. It's important to control unsupportive behavior to keep your motivation high and to stick with your diet plan. Second, emotional stress from negative feedback can cause emotional eating and further impede your progress. Consequently, dealing with unsupportive relatives not only helps you lose weight but contributes to your emotional wellbeing.

Important Points for Getting Started

It's crucial to share your plans and intentions with your family before you begin your journey to lose weight. American Psychology Association says that clear communication can help set boundaries and expectations, which will prevent future misunderstandings. Understanding that their resistance may be due to concerns over your health, or the changes you've made in your family schedules is also important. By being patient and empathetic, you can ease tensions. Over time their support will increase.

How to deal with family members who are not supportive: practical tips

Other Tips

If unsupportive behaviors escalate to emotional abuse, you may want to seek professional assistance. Counselors and therapists are able to provide strategies and tools for managing such situations. Self-care exercises like yoga or meditation can also help reduce stress during these challenging times.


It can be difficult to deal with family members who are not supportive of your efforts. This journey is all about you, and it's your health. It's important to put your own wellbeing first, even if you have support from your family. You can overcome this obstacle with effective communication, by setting clear boundaries and by seeking outside support. Remember to stay strong and focused. Every step will bring you closer towards your goal.
