Does drinking cold water help you burn more calories?

The topic of this article explores whether or not drinking cold water helps burn calories. This question is often raised in weight loss discussions and diets. In my role as an obesity expert, I'll delve deeper into the topic, explaining its importance and how to start. Practical examples and other tips will be provided. It is our goal to give readers a thorough understanding of the subject, backed up by studies and research .

Understanding Calorie burning through cold water is important

It is important to understand the link between drinking cold water and burning calories, as this affects the metabolic process of the body. When we drink cold water to raise the temperature to our body's level, it can lead to burning calories.

A study by the University of Ottawa found that drinking cold water could increase metabolism slightly. The amount of calories that are burned during this process may be quite small and not contribute significantly to weight loss. While there are some benefits to this technique, you should use it as part of an overall strategy that includes balanced nutrition and regular physical activity.

How to Get Started with the Program and Important Points

Start by increasing the amount of water you drink each day. While drinking more water before meals can help with digestion, and you will feel fuller and eat less overall, this should not be substituted for a healthy diet or regular exercise.

In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, drinking 500ml of filtered water for men and women increased their metabolic rates by 30 percent . This boost, however temporary, was not sufficient to cause significant weight loss. Excessive water consumption may also lead to water toxicities. It's important to keep a balance.

Calorie Burning through Cold Water

More Tips and Suggestions

Drinking cold water may contribute to weight loss, but it is not the only way. Regular physical activity, an adequate diet high in fiber and protein, sufficient sleep and stress-management techniques like yoga and mediation are all important.

Consider replacing sweetened drinks with unsweetened or water to reduce daily calories. Staying hydrated can also be beneficial to your overall health.


While drinking cold water may cause a slight increase in calories due to your body trying to heat it up, this isn't enough to help you lose weight. This is part of a bigger picture that includes regular exercise and balanced nutrition. This concept will help people approach weight loss more realistically and strategically.
