Yoga and weight loss: Can it help?
In this article, we explore the subject of yoga as it relates to weight loss. Yoga is often brought up when I am asked for weight loss tips by people who are obese. We will discuss the importance of yoga for weight loss, as well as how to start, specific examples and other tips.
Yoga and Weight Loss
The mind-body discipline of yoga has become popular worldwide due to its many health benefits. These include stress reduction, increased flexibility and improved mental wellbeing. Does it really help you lose weight? Yoga may not burn as many calories as aerobic exercise or HIIT but research shows that it is a powerful tool for weight loss.
In a study that was published in Journal of Physical Activity and Health, it was found that people who regularly practiced yoga had lower BMIs than those who did not. In a study published in Obesity, restorative Yoga was shown to help obese women shed significant weight. Yoga can help build muscle and increase metabolism. It can also promote mindfulness which leads to better eating habits.
Yoga Weight Loss: How to Get Started
Start slowly if you are new to yoga. Start with the basics and progress to more complex poses. Join a beginners' yoga class, or hire an instructor who is certified to teach yoga to prevent injury and ensure correct form. Consistency is the key. Aim to do yoga three times per week at minimum for maximum weight loss.
Include more demanding yoga forms, like Ashtanga or power yoga. These can burn calories more efficiently. Even gentler yoga forms can help with weight loss. They improve mindfulness, reduce stress and are both important for weight management.
Exercises that can help you lose weight through yoga
- Surya Namaskar: A sequence of 12 strong yoga poses that is a great cardiovascular exercise and can help you lose weight.
- Virabhadrasana, or the Warrior Pose: Regularly performing this pose can strengthen your arms and legs as well as help you burn more calories.
- Trikonasana: The triangle pose is a great way to burn calories and tone your thighs and waist.
- Adho Mukha Svanasana: Downward Dog tones and reduces body weight.
- Bhujangasana, or Cobra Pose: Strengthens abdominal muscles while reducing belly fat.
- Dhanurasana, or Bow Pose: Strengthens your core muscles and helps you lose excess belly fat.
- Chaturanga Dandasana: The low plank pose is a challenging posture that builds muscle and helps to burn calories.
- Uttanasana: Standing Forward Bend. This posture can help with digestion and stretch your hamstrings.
- Navasana, or Boat Pose: Strengthens abs while promoting weight loss.
- Regularly practicing Paschimottanasana, or the Squatted Forward Bend (sitting forward bend), can reduce belly fat.
Yoga for Weight Loss: Additional Tips
Yoga alone is unlikely to lead to weight loss, unless combined with other physical activities and a healthy diet. In order to lose weight, you should include yoga in your daily routine as well as a healthy diet and aerobic exercise or strength training.
Stress can contribute to weight gain. Include relaxation and restorative postures in your yoga practice to reduce stress. Try to practice mindfulness on the mat and off, as this can control emotional eating and overeating.
While yoga is not a weight-loss exercise that you would typically do, it certainly can be supportive. It can help you burn calories, build muscles, and reduce stress. You will also become more mindful of what you eat. Yoga, when combined with regular exercise and a healthy diet can help you lose weight.