How Can I Stay Motivated in Low Energy Phases?

This comprehensive guide will help you maintain motivation when energy levels are low. In my role as an obesity specialist I am familiar with the challenges that people face in trying to maintain or lose weight. When energy levels drop, it can be difficult to stay motivated. This article will explain why motivation is important, provide examples that can help motivate you, as well as offer additional suggestions and tips. Now let's get started!

It is important to maintain motivation during a low-energy phase

It is important to maintain motivation when you are experiencing low energy levels, as this can have a significant impact on your health. It's very easy to forget our goals during these times and fall back into unhealthy habits. A study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that motivation is crucial to maintaining weight and sticking to physical activity plans. You are more likely to stick to your exercise and diet plan if you're motivated. This will lead to weight loss success and better health.

Getting Started

Set attainable goals to get going. A study conducted by the American Psychological Association found that setting smaller, more attainable goals could help you stay motivated and focused, even when your energy levels are low. A support network is also important. According to research from the Obesity Society, social support is a great way to improve motivation for weight loss and help you stick with your program.

Keep your motivation high with these practical tips

Other Tips

Another tip would be to reward yourself for small achievements. It can be a great motivator to continue on, even when you feel low energy. According to research from University of Toronto, rewards are a powerful way to increase motivation and committment towards goals. Stress management is another tip, as it can deplete your energy levels and hinder your motivation. Stress management techniques like deep breathing, yoga or meditation can be helpful.


Maintaining motivation is key to achieving your weight loss goal and maintaining a healthy life style. Set realistic goals and have an effective support system. Also, be sure to listen to positive music, visualise success, make use of affirmations and stay hydrated. You may face challenges, but you can stay motivated and overcome the low energy phases with the correct strategies and mentality.
